Rankin-Bass, the stop motion puppet masters of animated classics like Rudolph, The Red-Nosed Reindeer and Santa Claus is Coming to Town, had a few offerings for Easter.
The first, and perhaps the most well known, was 1971's Here Comes Peter Cottontail. It tells the tale of a lazy rabbit who is destined to inherit the mantle of the Easter Bunny, but he is challenged to a contest for the post by his nemesis Irontail. Irontail lost his fluffy tail when a child ran over it with roller skates and he is bent on making Easter miserable. I particularly like that Irontail delivers grey and brown dull eggs while riding on the back of a bat. Peter parties and oversleeps and loses the initial egg delivery contest to the villain. The story is fun and includes a time machine called a Yestermorrowmobile in which Peter travels to other holidays and tries to deliver eggs during the Fourth of July, Halloween, and St. Patrick's day. In the Rankin-Bass tradition, Santa Claus gets involved and everything works out in the end. Voice talent includes the work of Danny Kaye, Casey Kasem, Vincent Price, and Paul Frees.
In 1977, Rankin-Bass brought back the narrator S. D. Kluger (Fred Astaire) from the Santa Claus classic to tell the story of The Easter Bunny is Comin' to Town. It follows a similar and familiar story vein, as an orphaned rabbit Sunny is taken in and raised by a happy group. In an effort to deliver his chicken friends' eggs he paints them different colors. He runs into Gadzooks, a ferocious bear, who learns the true meaning of friendship. This special mines much familiar Rankin-Bass territory and feels redundant despite the good animation and technique.

I still watch it almost every year. It is a true Hollywood classic. It is campy and overwrought but sometimes particularly moving. They sure don't make them like that any more.
So what did I miss? And what were your favorites? Were you a fan of the animation or did you prefer the extravaganza from DeMille? Share your thoughts and enjoy the weekend.
I've never heard of those Rankin-Bass Easter specials (a visit to YouTube is in order) but I do remember the Charlie Brown special. My memory of Easter programming was the regular appearance of the films about the life of Jesus - "King Of Kings" with Jeffrey Hunter as Jesus and "The Greatest Story Ever Told" starring Max Von Sydow as Jesus and John Wayne as the Roman centurion who says "Surely that man was the son of God" (or whatever his exact words were).
There was also a British TV series called "Jesus Of Nazareth" starring Robert Powell as Jesus which was first broadcast in 1977 so this year is its' 40th anniversary. I'm not religious and Britain is one of the most secular countries in the world but I do enjoy a good biblical epic.
Yes, the Christmas specials got more attention. However, I do recall seeing Rankin-Bass' "Peter Cottontail" as a kid. That Irontail was a bit creepy.
"The Easter Beagle" ran numerous times, IIRC. The "Peanuts" specials were always a 'must see'. They managed to cover about all the holidays, even Arbor Day...
Easter films: "The Robe" was one we caught several times. And Colin- "Jesus of Nazareth" was great, actually my favorite of the genre.
Ohhhh, that John Wayne cameo, Colin--!
He sounds EXACTLY like someone doing a John Wayne impersonation-- which is just about as ironic as anything can get. In your mind's ear you immediately hear it as, "Shurely this WAS the Son a' God. . . Pilgrim."
My sisters and I (as kids) burst out in uproarious laughter the moment he said it that first time we watched it on TV, and immediately started mimicking him on the spot. One has to assume that that was not REALLY the effect the director and producers were aiming for in those first few post-crucifixion seconds. . . hoooo-boy. . . (I'm laughing now just remembering it!)
Irontail finally struck a chord of memory with the other specials.
And other fairly common Easter Weekend fare (often on the local channels) were Ben-Hur and The Robe, along with 10 Commandments and Greatest Story Ever Told. I feel like there was one more staple biblical epic, and it's escaping my memory at the moment. . .
Oh-- BARABUS, perhaps?
HB - "Quo Vadis" perhaps ?
Quo Vadis - A most wonderful novel. Was it a movie too?
(For those not familiar with it, Quo Vadis is Latin and refers to the Biblical passage when Jesus in spirit asks "Where are you going" to the man/men on the road after Jesus's crucifixion, as I recall?)
Jesus Christ Superstar - My Easter favorite since the age of 10. Even now, when I listed to it, it energizes me.
I don't recall any Easter special "kids" stuff, on TV, though. I think we were too religious to consider it unlike Christmas which had already been saturated with Santa Claus for decades and decades and was never really a "sacred" religious holiday when you read up on it.
Gotta go with Charlie, Jesus Christ Superstar!
Here's Carl Anderson as Judas with Heaven on Their Minds, simple but awesome guitar riff: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g-voeq7Cebo I need a funky shirt like this!
Yvonne Elliman with I Don't Know How to Love Him. Love the bass and simple music behind her beautiful voice: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lS2nX4fuzqc
Ted Neeley as Jesus with Gethsemane. Intense song that struck me as a kid for the vision Jesus has of his fate, and the striking montage of art at the climax: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X_mJgVwQ3Qw
Great voices and performances from all of them! So many good songs in that show.
JCS is kind of in the midst of a small-theater/regional theater resurgence right now, too. Lots of folks taking it on at different levels. At least a couple of productions I know of are considering (or have considered) flipping the genders of Jesus and Judas and, more often, Herod. Myself, I don't mind this too much-- the show's BIGGEST failing is that offers exactly ONE substantial female role as written. Sure, that's the source material, I get that-- but it does not make for a balanced production. . .
HB - I defer to your knowledge of the theater... But I truly don't know anyone who didn't like JCS b/c there weren't enough "substantial" female roles?
And, I guess I would ask, are there other plays / musicals that have been rewritten to provide more prominent female roles? Just curious... I have no idea one way or the other.
Well, time to pay the income taxes!
The Ten Commandments was always must see around my house. We also always tried to catch King of Kings, Ben Hur, and The Greatest Story Ever Told over Easter. I remember watching Jesus of Nazareth when it came out--and watching it several more times over the years. I remember seeing the silent King of Kings for the first time back in 1977 and being blown away!
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