Sunday, November 20, 2016

Sunday News!

Like the Hulk said we are on a Sunday hiatus.  (All credit and apologies to the Hulk creators and artists)!  We will be back tomorrow and we have a full week planned.  Here are some notes and updates.


If you are just visiting or haven't stopped by for a while, check out this past week's posts.   You will find discussion around comic covers from short-run series, a fully spoiled Doctor Strange movie, a Riverdale romp with Archie and the Punisher, the Micronauts, Guardians of the Galaxy, the Peanuts and a bevy of Disney movies.


In the coming days we will explore coverless classics, marvel at some leadership styles, enjoy some dulcet tones, eat some turkey, indulge in a shopping spree, and compare some nighttime companions.   We like to keep you guessing and keep you coming back!   Enjoy!

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