Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Panel Discussion: Just Sharing a Few Favorites...


Redartz:  Over the years, from time to time, I've mentioned several comics that hold a high position in my status list. Today we're going to take a brief look at several of those favorites; consider each one a hearty recommendation! Each one is a potential source of  discussion' additionally  for this 'round table' everyone is encouraged to describe/ recommend / flaunt a choice book or books that you think everyone else would enjoy. 

Each mini review will also feature a page from the tale to give you a little sample, just to tantalize. So here we go, in no  particular order:

Batman / Spirit, by Jeph Loeb and Darwyn Cooke

. This teamup of two of my favorite characters would be a natural for my 'best 'list. Even more so when rendered by the wonderful Darwyn Cooke. His retro style perfectly captures the classic feel of the classic villains abounding herein. And abound they do; many of both Batman's and the Spirit's most famous foes are involved. Loeb's story is very entertaining, and winds around a fascinating crossover between Jim Gordon, Commissioner Dolan, P'Gell and Pamela Isley. Not going to spoil it for you, but it's a hoot. And, the interplay between the two main protagonists is likewise hilarious. Any fan of either Bruce Wayne or Denny Colt will love this.

Spirit Jam, by Will Eisner and just about everybody...

Will Eisner's most famous creation gets two appearances today, and he certainly deserves it. This phenomenal tale appears in Kitchen Sink Comix' "Will Eisner's The Spirit" issue 30, from 1981. Most of this series  presented reprints of Eisner's revered work, both of the Spirit and occasionally of other subjects. But this special issue brought together an unbelievable team of creators; too lengthy to go into ; but you can get an idea from the cover. Suffice it to say that the representative page here was done by Frank Miller and Terry Austin. 

As for the story, it involves an untold Spirit adventure, wrapped in a framing sequence tying in the very creation of the story itself! As in Batman/Spirit, many of the Spririt's rogues gallery are included. The story abounds in adventure, humor, and a bit of  the risque as well. It's great fun, and a big kick trying to identify the various artists' work from page to page (if you need to cheat, there's a breakdown on the letters page). 

This book can be had for a comparative pittance, but it's worth it's weight in gold (or perhaps golden age books?).




 Jonny Quest #2, by William Messner-Loebs, Wendy Pini and Joe Staton.

 The first two reviews were pretty light-hearted; this book is one of the most heartrending comics I've ever read. It gives us both the story of how Jonny's mother died, and also how Race Bannon came to join the Quest family. As  you would expect, Race keeps the requisite amount of excitement topped off, but the real focus here is the drama. Bill Messner-Loebs truly masters this ; with the most sensitive portrayal of Benton Quest you'll ever see anywhere. The level of characterization in this issue is off the charts, and it's impossible to read without a tear or two. But fear not, Loebs finishes the tale off with an optimistic air, and it's a most satisfying read. 

Artwise, it's nice to see Wendy Pini's take on the Quest group, and Joe Staton's inks are perfect for her pencils. 

Comico's "Jonny Quest" series was quite good in it's entirety, but this issue is the capper. A masterpiece of comics at their most human.





 Sensational Spider-Man Annual 1, by Matt Fraction and Salvador Larroca.

This book came out in  2007 as part of the ongoing "Back in Black" storyline in Spider-man, following immediately on the heels of the events of  "Civil War". I did enjoy "Civil War", not so much the soon-to-follow "One More Day" story. But regardless, this book, while being a part of that controversial arc, is actually a loving tribute to the classic Spider-Man (and Peter Parker) of the Silver and Bronze age. In "To Have and to Hold", Matt Fraction tells the story of an investigator trying to get hold of Peter through his then-wife Mary Jane. But MJ isn't about to betray her Pete, and proceeds to relate story after story of their past relationship. We are treated to some very nice moments with characters we've known and loved for years, and it's a gem. 

Artist Salvador Larroca does a phenomenal job with the visuals, giving each flashback sequence  a sense of the original artists. The page I've shown here channels John Romita Sr.,; he also does a very nice Ross Andru. 

This is one of those Annuals that can stand alone on it's own merits, as a testament to the classic Spider-Man of the past. And it's portrayal of Mary Jane shows why she's still my favorite match for Peter.



Sugar and Spike 25, by Sheldon Mayer.

I could have picked almost any issue of this series, but chose this one with it's charming Halloween cover as appropriate to the upcoming holiday. Anyone who has followed this blog probably knows of my fondness for Sheldon Mayer's two tempestuous tots. These stories are warmhearted, fun, amusing, cute, and an absolute pleasure to read. There were generally a couple multi-page stories in each issue, with a short or two included as well. Then there were the '"Pint-Size Pin-Ups" pages, with reader-submitted outfits for the kids. These pages were often cut out, which means of course that finding intact copies of an issue of "Sugar and Spike" can be challenging. But it's worth the effort. These are comics that children can read, but that adults can enjoy equally (if not more). It may be some testament to the book that while I've been parting with many comics in recent years, reducing the size of my collection, I still search out issues of "S & S" in hopes of someday completing the run. Partly because the only reprinted collection available had the first 10 issues, the next 90 are available only as originals. And the search continues, to which I can only add "Glx Sptzl Glaah"...

Okay, there you have five books that keep me a comics reader. Feel free to share your thoughts on them, and to spill the beans about any particular comics that will always have a special spot in your heart!

Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Follow the Leader: Halloween, Guy Fawkes and Other Fall Follies...


Redartz: Greetings! Yes, time again to turn to BitBA Assembled to provide us all with a suitably inspiring topic for discussion. More specifically, the first noble commenter to step out and offer a suggestion sets the agenda! The field is open, the time is nigh, the podium is yours...

Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Sound and the Fury: Music with a Message...

Redartz:  Nobody enjoys a fun, swinging song more than I. Be it Rock, Pop, Dance, or whatever, a bit of fluff music is always a welcome thing. Nevertheless, there are times when one might want more from a song than a good beat. Popular music history is filled with singers, songwriters and bands who have used the stage as a soapbox. From the folk of Woodie Guthrie to the punk of the Clash, many great tunes have filled the airwaves with thought-provoking, cautionary, introspective, or even sometimes angry lyrics. 

In High School, I listened to protest songs from the 60's alongside then-current acts like ABBA and Wings. In college I sat around late nights with other art students (man, those Bohemian days of yore) listening to, and discussing, the musical proclamations from the Police , Heaven 17 and U2. In more recent years I've discovered so much more meaningful musings from the worlds of blues, jazz, and soul. It continues to be a most rewarding exploration.

You're probably waiting with great anticipation for a few examples. Well, wait no more; here are three songs which have moved, inspired, and engaged me: one from before our Bronze age, one from the Bronze, and one from after the Bronze (just to cover all the bases, you know). 

Sam Cooke; "A Change is Gonna Come"

I'd known Sam Cooke only from his pop songs (which were great). Upon hearing this for the first time, I was mentally staggered. Which is more powerful, the lyrics or Cooke's heart wrenching performance? Impossible to tell, but this song still chills me to the very soul. 



Three Dog Night:  "Out in the Country"

This song got to me (and still does) on a very personal level. TDN seemed to be singing for me: "...Out where the rivers like to run, I stand alone and take back somethin' worth rememberin'." In my youth, when I was hurting or upset, I sought the refuge of the woods, away from people. Nature remains a source of healing, and this song evokes that well.



Michael Jackson:  "Earth Song"

MJ's greatest song, in my opinion. Rarely has this world's painful afflictions been so effectively skewered.  As the video shows, the suffering is borne by, and the hope rests upon, the ordinary people all over. I can never hear this, or watch this video, without being brought to tears. Agonizingly amazing.



All these songs, and these performances, hit me deeply. But it's a good hit, and it's an impact that is good for the soul. They make me think, make me feel, make me want to try to make the world a little better. It may be naive or corny, but our world sure needs a little prompting to it's better nature. 

And now,  it's time for your input. What songs, what performers, have truly moved you; pushed you, made you sit and think in the dark?  Let's hear about the music that hits close to home for  you...

Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Two Questions: When We Want to Treat Ourselves a Bit...


Redartz:  Greetings; this week we are engaging again in a bit of `get to know each other' . Our two questions are somewhat related,  and over the years we have possibly touched upon this area. Nevertheless,  this week we take a good look at how we spend our time and money when we can spoil ourselves a little.  Everyone needs a little 'me time', and it doesn't hurt to give yourself a treat now and then. In that spirit,  here's our questions:

1. When you have the opportunity to splurge a little on yourself these days,  what do you do / buy ?

2.  Looking back over your life, other than comic books, what hobbies/ pastimes did you/ do you indulge in?  

As always,  I wouldn't ask you to answer anything that I wouldn't,  thus here are my responses:

1. Lately I've been busy on Ebay. Splurging generally involves the purchase of a vintage comic,  especially a "Sugar and Spike", or a Silver Age horror anthology. . While my collection overall  has been shrinking,  I still pick up a book here and there. Of course I'm also splurging on music, adding cds to my collection at an unprecedented pace. At this point in time cds seem to be priced dirt cheap, and it's a great opportunity. Just picked up a 5 disc boxed set of "Ken Burns Jazz" for 4 dollars and change. Figure it's just a matter of time before cds become the next hot retro item...

A few recent splurges...

2.  My father had many interests,  and he passed that trait on to his progeny. At one time or another I've collected coins, stamps, baseball cards,  leaves, rocks, fossils,  records and Hot Wheels. Most of those phases came and went. But I still enjoy studying fossils,  and have a big slab of Ordovician seabed (with crinoids, brachiopods, bryozoans and trilobites) on my desk at work.  And then listening to that music mentioned above is another treasured pastime. Add in the watercolor painting,  and reading- there's not really time for work, but I fit it in!

Now then, let's hear about all your interests and indulgences! 

Oh, for the benefit of anyone interested in fossils,  here is the fossiliferous slab from my work desk. Found in an outcrop near Cincinnati,  Ohio on a trip with a group of local rockhounds. A remarkable feeling, pulling such a piece from it's resting place and knowing you're the first creature to lay eyes upon it for some 200 million years plus...

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