Showing posts with label Galactus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Galactus. Show all posts

Monday, October 16, 2017

The Brave Or The Bold: Thanos or Galactus?

Martinex1: There are two major galactic threats existing in the Marvel Universe.  One harkens back to the artistic peak of the Silver Age, while the other's roots are in the creative heights of the Bronze Age.  There is a world-eater and there is a death-lover.   They are of course - Galactus and Thanos!

Both similarly provide existential threats to Earth's mightiest teams and heroes.  Both are driven to eliminate life. Galactus needs to feed his hunger through the consumption of worlds; Thanos wants to sacrifice everything to prove his passion for the manifestation of death.

Jack Kirby created Galactus in the Fantastic Four and his first appearance was mind-blowing.  The creative king also had the big purple planet-eater face off with Thor.  John Byrne explored Galactus' psyche and refined the force-of-nature aspects of Galactus.  He was an alien who considered humans as little more than ants in his picnic basket.

Jim Starlin explored and expanded upon Thanos' strange obsession.  Whether battling Captain Marvel, Warlock, Spider-Man, Thing, the Avengers, or the whole Marvel Universe, Thanos was laser focused and obsessed with the end of everything.  He was willing to embrace oblivion in order to impress his bony girlfriend. 

What do you think about these two villains?   Who is the better (or worse)?  What makes him so?  What are the best stories revolving around the two threats, and why are they so great? Make your case as both are fan favorites. Today share your comments about these big bad boys at Back in the Bronze Age!

Thursday, December 1, 2016

The Brave Or The Bold: Hark The Heralds!

Martinex1:  I have to admit that the Silver Surfer is not on my list of favorite Marvel characters.   While I've read the initial appearance of Galactus in Fantastic Four numerous times, and I enjoyed Norrin Radd's appearance as a threat when he first arrived under Jack Kirby's pencils, I just never bought into the character long term.  The John Buscema art for the character's first series was stellar and the second issue's battle against the Badoon is one of my most cherished books, but the character just never seemed fully realized as a hero in my eyes.   Despite his great power he seemed to have little humility around his responsibility; the Surfer constantly whined about Shalla Bal or about being stuck on Earth or about mankind's pettiness.  Galactus deserved better!

And so this episode of "The Brave Or The Bold" focuses on all of the heralds of Galactus.  Who do you think was the most spectacular?  (It's okay to disagree with me about the Silver Surfer).   Did you like Gabriel the Air Walker?  Or his successor and friend, Firelord?  How about Terrax the Tamer?  Or Frankie Raye as the new Nova?  Note: You can include some of the later heralds as well if you wish; I am keeping this conversation to the Bronze Age characters as I really know nothing about Galactus' modern messengers and scouts.  

If I had to rank these characters, I may surprise you in my assessment - but here it goes:

1) Gabriel, The Air Walker.  I always thought that his appearance was spectacularly original with his tunic and his wings of fire.  I liked how he moved through the air - literally walking along the sky.  I also thought his short career and tragic demise at the hands of  the Ovoids was interesting.  From Xandarian captain, to a true friend to Galactus, to an android vessel  - I lost no enthusiasm for him along the way.
2) Firelord.  Likewise I enjoyed Gabriel's comrade and admirer Pyreus Kril, Firelord.  I liked how he followed in Gabriel's footsteps, searching for vengeance and trying to honor his memory.   More "hot headed" than the kind Air Walker, Firelord set a new tone and attitude amongst the early heralds.  The stories in Thor's title also added some new dimensions to this character
3) Terrax. This herald was truly evil and the choice by Galactus reflected the devourer's distant and amoral nature.  The big purple-suited wanderer just needed to eat, and he employed Terrax in finding some new treats.   Terrax was the opposite of Norrin Radd and had none of the military honor of the other two predecessors.  He was a thug and bully and he brought a whole new dimension to the role.  Also his powers were different than the previous role holders as he took the Power Cosmic in a new direction.
4) Nova/Frankie Raye.  I was shocked as a young reader when Frankie took on the duty of herald.  I had such  high hope that she would join the FF.  Poor Johnny Storm - he sure has some troubled relationships.  But I found it interesting that she had no qualms about what she was going to have to do; it was fascinating to see her lust for exploration outweigh her care for the victims.   John Byrne created an interesting conflict between perceived nobility and cruelty.
5) Silver Surfer.  He was the first.  And perhaps you think he was the best.

I am sure my ranking will rub some the wrong way; my predilection is due to when I discovered these characters and how I came to know their stories.  My fondness for each reflects the curve of my collecting.

What do you say about these characters?  Who had the best powers?  Who was visually most striking?  Who captured your imagination and had you coming back for more?   Were they better antagonists to the Fantastic Four or to Thor?  And how about Galactus himself, is he better because of the heralds?  Are the characters' motivations broad enough to keep you interested and are they complex enough to be "A" players?  Share your thoughts and speak your mind - it is always good to hear your messages!


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