Showing posts with label Namor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Namor. Show all posts

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Panel Discussion: Defending the Defenders!

Martinex1: The dynamic Defenders - they always presented themselves as the "Non-Team," a loose band of costumed adventurers, a magician, Norse warrior, Atlantean prince and gamma irradiated creature.  But they were more than a non-team; they were family. They weren’t genetically (or cosmically) tied together like the Fantastic Four, but these angry oddballs cared about one another and lived in unison with one another.   And in doing so they became a major part of Marvel's Bronze Age.

Making their way into the Marvel scene in late 1971 in Marvel Feature and following up in 1972 with their eponymous comic, the Defenders had my interest from the first time I saw them on the spinner rack.  I constantly searched for back issues that tended to be at very reasonable prices.  The individual characters may not have been my main collecting targets, but together they were something else entirely.

Despite the mystique of a team without ties, the Defenders bound together fairly well and I contend the core of the team weathered roster changes better and less frequently than the Avengers. And from the overall perspective of heroes in the Marvel world, they must have been a powerhouse team.  Hulk, Namor, Valkyrie, Dr. Strange, Nighthawk and Hellcat were no slouches.   Individually, the top three characters could mop up the floor with the majority of the Marvel villains.  Let’s face it, the Hulk, Sub-Mariner and Doc could hold their own against the Avengers’ big three Captain America, Iron Man, and Thor.
But the book itself seemingly absorbed the feel of the team it represented.  Were they second tier, mismatched semi-stars?  Was the monthly good but not great?  It was never a top seller.  Despite interesting stories and even top notch art, it became a bit of a "non-book" and although it has had a few short resurgences it hasn’t been resurrected successfully like countless other properties.  The comic itself came to represent to me the outsiders, the misfits, and the heroic underdogs.

Even the recent Netflix television show starred entirely different heroes (although it can be argued that at least Luke Cage and Daredevil guest-starred in some Defenders’ arcs).  What is it about this team?  They are so fascinating but also so often relegated to being “also-rans.” 
 Did the caliber of their villainous enemies lower their status?  They didn’t regularly battle the likes of Dr. Doom, Galactus, Kang, or Ultron.   The Defenders were more likely to lock horns with Scorpio, the Wrecking Crew, the Presence, and the Headmen.   Or Yandroth, the Six-Fingered Hand and the Mandrill.   And amidst those offbeat tales, the writers added guest characters like Dollar Bill and the Elf with a Gun.   Even when Dormammu and Loki showed up, it seemed like an odd pairing - enjoyable and entertaining but odd nonetheless.

But that is what gave The Defenders its unique feel and what pulled me in.   These weren’t Earth’s Mightiest Heroes (though I guess that is debatable); they were the World’s Wary Warriors.   How would you describe them?   I pick up on their slight cynicism, their outsider status, and their weirdo tendencies.  How many issues can go by without an angry outburst, somebody quitting the team, a character getting pulled back in out of obligation, friendship, camaraderie, and familial humor?    Where else would Hellcat (a romantic teen character turned heroic acrobat) or Nighthawk (billionaire villain turned heart-and-soul sponsor) fit in? 

Along the way Steve Englehart, Len Wein, Ed Hannigan, David Anthony Kraft, J.M. DeMatteis, and of course Steve Gerber and others led the way with the outlandish stories and quirky situations.   Although the book had a variety of artists, Sal Buscema may be most closely associated with the team as he shepherded the Defenders through the early years.  Don Perlin also handled a long run on the series. 

My favorite tales involved the Badoon, the Squadron Supreme, and the Headmen.   Those all seemed like fitting adversaries for the Defenders.  The arc in which the Guardians of the Galaxy shared the stage and female and male Badoon confronted each other is a classic in my eyes; it is amongst my most cherished and collected arcs.   The Headmen arc is just so strange and hilarious that it too is a classic.

When our peers talk about the Defenders, it seems like most really appreciate the series.   But the team is rarely mentioned in the same breath as the Avengers, X-Men, JLA,  Teen Titans or Fantastic Four.   Why is that?  

The series is full of drama and tragedy and pathos; it explores many philosophical themes but it rarely is considered as emotionally complex as the X-Men in their heyday? Why is that?

When comic collectors talk about female characters, Valkyrie seems to rise to the top in terms of admiration but she still never gets the spotlight like She-Hulk, Storm, Rogue, or others.  Why is that?  

When character design is mentioned, Nighthawk gets accolades for his "new" costume; and despite decades of character development he never reached recognizable status like other Marvel icons.   Why is that?

They may have had loose origins as the Titans Three guest starring in the Sub-Mariner, but ended up with some other interesting characters all their own.  Do you like the headlining characters like Dr. Strange and the Hulk or do you prefer Hellcat, Nighthawk, Red Guardian, Gargoyle, and the rest?  Why is that?

Personally I was less interested in the revamped team toward the end of the run.  I saw it as an outlet to capitalize on unused X-Men characters, and despite liking the Beast, Angel, and Moondragon, the new bunch did not have the same charisma in my eyes.  But in the 1990s when it was hinted at in Namor and The Incredible Hulk books that there was going to be a reunion of the originals, I was all on board.  Just the thought of the band getting back together had me eager even with the recent character developments for those core heroes.

I have to admit that I abhorred The Secret Defenders; it had a 1990's era vibe of weak stories with a constantly changing cast including the latest hot character.  On the other hand, I much appreciated the short-lived Kurt Busiek and Erik Larson version of the team.  Although it did not seem as weighty as the original, it had a vibrant sense of humor that I enjoyed.  It was true to its roots while being modern.

What is it about the Defenders that keeps them down?  Or am I looking at it from the wrong perspective?   I definitely have a nostalgic feel for this team but what do you think?   Defend the Defenders today! What were your favorite arcs?  Who were your favorite writers and artists?   Did you think the book pushed boundaries too far?   Is it a classic title or not?   What went right and what went wrong? 

We’d like to hear from you today so please comment if you have anything to say in support of the defense.

Thursday, March 23, 2017

The Quarter Bin: And Not a Drop to Drink!

Martinex1: It is time for an all new and all different $1 Challenge.   This time lets take a plunge and get wet with our heroes, heroines, adventurers, and comic pals.   Oceans and the depths are constant fodder for exploration in the four-color set.  Other than outer space, I cannot think of a more mythical and strange setting.   Being under the sea or trapped in a watery prison presents very real and relatable risks to the characters.  The ocean can also be portrayed as a wild, unexplored, and even legendary frontier. 

And in my opinion, underwater art is fantastic. Comic art connoisseurs can expound on the Kirby Krackle, but I really enjoy Buscema Bubbles and Perez Percolation.  Who do you think is the best seafaring artist?

So today, I am taking a look at a wide variety of covers that have watery themes - from simple swimming pools to hidden lands to ocean beaches to liquid death traps.   There are 30 selections on our ever-rotating comic book rack.  Take a look and then pick your favorite four (four for a dollar after all)!  There may be some oddballs here that you have never seen before.  Share your choices and your reasons as you check out and leave your comments behind.  And please if you have read any of these, please feel free to share your thoughts on the comic, art, story, and setting.

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