Showing posts with label Golden Archer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Golden Archer. Show all posts

Monday, July 2, 2018

The Brave Or The Bold: Comic Book Archers!

Martinex1: Today let's discuss comic book archers!  Who is your favorite; what are the greatest story lines; who has the most engaging characteristics; who is the best?

Hawkeye started out as a villain but became an Avenger, a West Coast Avenger, and even a Great Lakes Avenger and a Thunderbolt!  Clint Barton has been a carnival trick artist, an enemy of Iron Man, and a friend, follower and thorn-in-the-side of Captain America.  He and Mockingbird were married. He is sarcastic, bold, cunning and charismatic.

Green Arrow has been a mainstay of the DC Universe for decades.  He has been a member of the Justice League of America and partnered in a memorable series with Green Lantern.  Oliver Queen was a rich industrialist and a voice of the people.  He has had a long running relationship with Black Canary. He is outgoing, charming, brash, and sarcastic.

And there are others that can be considered as well.  There is Kate Bishop, the new Hawkeye!  And Connor Hawke, the replacement Green Arrow!  There is  Roy Harper, Speedy, or as he is known now - Arsenal!  There is Wyatt McDonald, the Squadron Supreme archer, who started as the other world's Hawkeye and eventually changed names to the Golden Archer (ugh!) and the Black Archer.  And also Archer from Valiant's Archer & Armstrong series!  I am sure there are others as well.

Who is the best archer! Let's compare and contrast, and share your thoughts today about the bow-and-arrow comic book crowd!

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