Showing posts with label New Frontier. Show all posts
Showing posts with label New Frontier. Show all posts

Friday, November 25, 2016

Chew the Fat: Black Friday, Comic Style

Redartz:  Welcome to the Holiday Season, everyone! Now that Thanksgiving is behind us, retailers everywhere are literally working overtime to get us into the stores. "Black Friday", the traditional big kickoff to the Christmas shopping season, drives millions of dollars in sales. Of course, if you are one of those folks who have to brave the crowds, lines, and occasionally psychotic shoppers, Black Friday might not be your 'cup of eggnog'. 

So today, we will consider Black Friday from the perspective of our interest in comics. Here's the bit: 

You have one person to buy a gift for. You only know that this person has never read a comic or graphic novel before, but wishes to give one a try. So our little group here is heading to the Largest Comic Shop in the World, where they have Everything in four-color wonderment. Now, what one comic or graphic novel would you give for that all-important first experience?  And just to keep it within reason, we'll set a fifty dollar limit (so no purchases of Amazing Spider-Man number 1, sorry).

To start off: after much browsing and consideration, I'm selecting a graphic novel: Darwyn Cooke's "New Frontier". Wonderfully illustrated, very friendly to the eyes. The story also serves as a great introduction to DC's Silver Age heroes, and has enough historical reference to appeal to any student of culture. Now all I have to do is gift wrap it; that's the hard part..

Martinex1:  That's a challenging question and also a great gift choice on your part Redartz.   A dozen options run through my mind, but  I am going to grab something a bit low key: Essential Marvel Team-Up Volume 3.  It may be in black-in white, but it includes great Spidey stories with guest stars ranging from the X-Men to Warlock to Yellowjacket to Captain Britain.  It has plenty of Sal Buscema and John Byrne art with scripts by Conway, Mantlo, and Claremont.  I think it is a great primer for the uninitiated and makes the color versions seem that much more fantastic.  And typically found for under $20, that leaves room for other volumes or a fruit cake. 

Redartz:  A fine choice there, Martinex1! Some lucky recipient will get a great introduction to a lot of characters. Ah, we are approaching the checkout, gang. So what's in your basket?

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