Showing posts with label Oreo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Oreo. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Short Cuts: Dipping Into the Cookie Jar...

Redartz: This week, our subject is both short and sweet: cookies! Or, for our UK contingent, biscuits (correct me if I'm wrong here, guys and gals). Anything and everything about those wonderful little round edibles. Which are your favorites? Which do you avoid at any cost? Home-baked or store bought? Any recommended recipes? What cookie commercials do you remember? It's all fair game, from the bag to the crumbs. 

My  personal favorite: chocolate chip cookies, no contest. Preferably home baked and fresh from the oven, with a glass of cold milk ( I've always told  my wife, if for some reason I'm ever on death row and they ask me for my final meal choice, it will include a big plate of warm chocolate chip cookies and cold milk). Of course, I'll never turn down a bag of Chips Ahoy!, or even some Oreos (particularly fond of the chocolate Oreos). 

To put you in the munchie mood, here's a few vintage cookie ads you might recall... 

Chips Ahoy!



Fig Newtons

Oh, and for the benefit of our UK contingent, here's what I see when I hear 'biscuits'...

Bon Apetit!

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