Showing posts with label Fashion Faux Pas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fashion Faux Pas. Show all posts

Thursday, June 1, 2017

Two Questions: Fashion Catastrophe and Unfashionable Heroes!

Martinex1: We have had a busy week thus far and still have so much yet to come here at BitBA over the next couple of days.   Here is a quick preview:  Friday we will have a trip on the Retro Metro with Redartz and Saturday we will share a special guest post from none other than Dr. O!   Get ready friends!

Today however we will go a little easier on you with two simple but unrelated questions that may have very diverse answers.  Share your thoughts in the comment section; we look forward to it!

QUESTION 1:  Although I obviously enjoy reminiscing about the Bronze Age, the fashion of the time is not something to which I cling.   What were your worst clothing experiences from that great era?

QUESTION 2:  In your opinion what Bronze Age hero should have had their own solo book (or should have a better solo book)?  Why didn't they?  How do you envision that title?

Martinex1: In the spirit of full disclosure: regarding fashion, I had two leisure suits in grammar school - one was forest green and the other was sky blue.  Both were horrible.   I also at one point had white dress shoes; I have no idea why.   But the worst was probably when our baseball team (whose uniforms consisted of a t-shirt with a sponsor's logo on the back) made it to the local playoffs and I wore purple pants with yellow stars on them.  Yeesh!   There was something in the air.  Super-heroes looked conservatively dressed.

Regarding question #2, my choices are above.   I liked the Human Torch and still do.   I thought Johnny Storm could have had some interesting stories as he was not as bright as other do-gooders (like Spidey) and yet he was part of a premiere team.  His Bronze Age series consisted of reprints, but I thought they could have done better and had opportunity to create something new and great.  3-D Man caught my attention in Marvel Premiere and I liked the dated look of Jim Craig's art.   I thought Roy Thomas and Craig could have made an interesting go at an era not fully explored; but alas it was limited to those few issues.   Stingray is a longtime favorite of mine, and I would have liked to see scientific exploration and adventure under the sea.

So how about you?   How would you answer these queries?

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