Showing posts with label books. Show all posts
Showing posts with label books. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Follow the Leader: Your Classic Film / Book 'Bucket List'...


Redartz:  Wow, almost a month into the new  year and we haven't let the Leader out of the box! It's been awhile, so for the benefit of anyone new to the routine , here's the deal: 

The first commenter to check in gets the honor of naming the topic for the week! We're all pretty easygoing here, so the subject matter is wide open. Comics or film, music or popular culture,  dinosaurs or dragons; it's up to you, You, the one sitting there with a hot topic on your mind. We know, you've been holding it in memory for weeks. Well, now's your opportunity. BitBA Assembled awaits...

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