Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Follow The Leader: Episode 6: Foods We Have a Distaste For!

Martinex1:  We've had some absolutely stellar discussions lately on Follow The Leader, from talk about Jim Shooter's impact, to Kirby's evolving style, Jackson's evolving voice and even universe building.   So you all obviously know the drill (if you don't check out previous Tuesday posts and check out the guidelines below).   And get ready because...

It is Tuesday and therefore it is Follow The Leader time!  

We will take any topic suggested and throw it out to the masses for consideration and conversation.     The challenge is to keep the conversation rolling and going, so keep in mind that sidebars, tangents, and non sequiturs are welcome! 

Here are the general rules:

1) Whoever gets here first (or even second) post a topic starter in the comments that others can jump on and discuss for the day; supply as little or as much detail as necessary to get the ball rolling.

3) The range of possible subjects is broad - comics, movies, music, television, fiction, hobbies, queries, etc.  Try to have the topic touch some aspect of Bronze Age nostalgia if possible.

4) Keep it clean and family friendly.

5) All others...follow the Leader! Your job is to keep the conversation rolling.   (As I said - follow the topic wherever it takes you; a conversation started about comics may lead to comments on jazz for all we know)!

Note:  There is one caveat... if Redartz or I notice that the suggested topic is something we already have in the pipeline, we will let you know and inform you of the projected date for that subject for discussion.  That is just so we don't double up.   Hey - great minds think alike, right?

Cheers all!


Anonymous said...

This isn't very Bronze Age but it might be an interesting topic - what food do you avoid ? My dislikes include avocado, chili con carne and ginger (gingerbread or ginger biscuits/cookies are fine but not actual ginger or things like crystallized ginger). I also hate food that's too sweet or too hot and spicy. When I was a kid we had tongue and heart which I found really unappealing (especially heart - the thought of eating an animal's heart, yuck). And a popular British seaside food is cockles & mussels which I liked as a boy but nowadays I find the thought of them repulsive. Also, are you allergic to any food or do you have an intolerance or aversion to anything ? I don't but my father couldn't take aspirins because they made him sick and so did hot milk.

Anonymous said...

I'll also mention some disgusting-looking food I've seen on TV such as fried locusts, a baked tarantula and an Italian cheese containing little wriggling maggots which was regarded as a delicacy !!! And I've just remembered that my grandmother liked brains with bread & butter...yum, yum.

Martinex1 said...

Colin Jones got us started....Foods and particularly Foods we have a distaste for! Join in.

ColinBray said...

Vegetarian for 27 years, vegan for 13 of those...plenty is off-limits for me. Brains included.

To add a little Bronze Age 'flavor' (see what I did there) what foods did we hate growing up and has that opinion now changed?

Redartz said...

Colin Jones- man, it was hard to finish breakfast reading about those 'delicacies ' you mentioned!

I have no sense of smell, so my sense of taste is correspondingly reduced. As a Bronze Age kid, I disliked much: about anything mild in flavor. Hated vegetables, as they had no flavor at all.

Now, I will eat my veggies ( heavily seasoned). I make my tea strong, my lemonade will curl the hair of most others. Still avoid mild food. Mashed potatoes? Not a favorite, like a bland pile of mush.

I am game to try most anything once. Some things didn't work for me: tried calamari, taste wasn't bad but it was like chewing on an inner tube...

Anonymous said...



Charlie Horse 47 said...

All the data shows that if you really want to avoid the big killers like cancers, diabetes, Alzheimer's, etc. then less than 5% of your calories can come from animals ( chops, cheese, pork rinds, milk, duck liver pate, chicken wings, goose fat on rye...). 10% if you eat sea food and no animals. Regarding Colin's question I recall not being fond of chicken gizzards.

Anonymous said...

Colin Bray, I didn't like liver when I was young but I do nowadays (mainly liver pate). But I'm curious - how do vegans obtain calcium ? We need calcium for healthy teeth and bones but if you don't eat dairy products you are depriving yourself of calcium. I can sympathize with somebody wanting to be a vegetarian but veganism seems extreme.

Anonymous said...

Ah...calcium supplements ? So a healthy vegan could only exist in modern times when we have calcium supplements available ?

Charlie Horse 47 said...

Hi, there are many other sources of calcium besides milk or dairy. Indeed most of the world is lactose intolerant except for about 75% of Caucasians. The other 5,500,000,000 are lactose intolerant.

Steve Does Comics said...

Colin I think wholemeal bread contains a hefty dose of calcium, but don't quote me on that.

As for foods I can't stand. I too remember the days when eating tongue was considered normal. I remember liking it though it was quite salty. Fortunately, I've never eaten brain or heart, nor have I ever met anyone who does. My nan used to be big on eating dripping sandwiches as well as cow-heel and tripe. How she lived to be 93, I have no idea.

As for me, I can't stand spinach, cabbage, cauliflower, coffee or Turkish Delight. I don't have a clue what praline actually is but I do know, from its taste, that it's the work of Satan himself.

Charlie Horse 47 said...

Besides zombie Spider-Man puking because he ate zombie Yellow Jacket (or was it Aunt May?) do we know of any superheros who didn't like foods?

david_b said...

My mom made us eat sour kraut as kids.., and she professed she could never quite make it right. Used to hate it, until I lived in Germany for 3yrs, and loved it there (when it's made right..). Had 'bloodwurst' once in Germany, won't be having that anytime soon.

Liver, cornbeef, cabbage and beets are all verboten for me, but I do like braunschweiger (which is more a liver paste..). Delicious with green unions and beer.

I'm kinda tall and thin, but the Army still thinks my weight is too high so I tend to just have fruits and veggies as snacks and loads of water.

Perhaps a Coke for a treat, but not regularly. Trying to keep my coffee intake down as well. When you all hit your 50s, it's good to reassess diets.

I remember seeing these 20-something soldiers coming in to the chow hall with full 'battle-rattle' on, out of the 120+ heat days in Kuwait (during the summer months) and gobble down these huge double cheeseburgers/fries and a large soda for lunch. Mercy, I couldn't think of ever doing that. Ewwww.

Martinex1 said...

A lot of greens like Kale and spinach, nuts like almonds, and seeds like sesame are good sources for calcium. There are quite a few choices outside of dairy.

I don't like beets. I was in Australia and I saw they served a large slice of beet on their burgers - that was not for me. I also have an aversion to eggplant Parmesan. My mother made it once and completely messed up the recipe. I was about six years old and still remember sitting at the dining table with a very big glass of milk trying to get it down. I suspect I would be alright with it today, but I don't even try it.

I like most everything else which can be an issue!

Doug said...

Like Martinex, I really don't find myself to be a picky eater. I'll try anything once. Obviously there are things I'd prefer not to have. One thing, maybe oddly enough, that I don't care for is cooked raisins. I like them plain out of the box, or in Raisin Bran. But I'd prefer not to find them in cookies or breads. Not the end of the world if I do, though.

Some of the discussion above on various animal parts off my beaten path does elicit a "yuck!" from my inner child. Thinking I would be first in line for brain, heart, or tongue.

Regional foods consumption does interest me from a sociological perspective.


Mike Wilson said...

I don't like beets, turnips (or rutabagas), avocado, or cabbage. As a kid I pretty much hated all vegetables, but I've gotten a lot better; I tend to prefer raw over cooked, though. I've also stopped eating a lot of junk food ... as a kid, I lived for chocolate bars, chips (or crisps, as our UK friends would say), and soda pop, but now I don't consume any of them.

There are a few foods I keep meaning to try, but hesitate because I'm not sure I'll like them: eggplant/aubergine, quinoa, and stuff like couscous and tabbouleh, which sound really good, but I'm still not 100% convinced.

pfgavigan said...


I share a place with my brother.

My brother is now on a diet.

Therefore, I am now on a diet.

This is a painful thread for me.



WardHill Terry said...

I really can't think of anything that I cannot eat. I choose not to eat mammals, but that a conscious decision not one dictated by my taste-buds. My wife has an allergy to cilantro and detest the texture of coconut, but I will not refuse anything because of revulsion. Redartz, I think your mashed potatoes don't have enough garlic cloves in them! Garlic and skins, that's the key to the 'taters!
I am a fool for sweeties, though! Cakes, cookies, pies, tarts, etc. They will be my downfall!
I can't think of any super-heroes with food fears. Clark Kent quite liked Lois's boeuf bourginon, and Oliver Queen enjoyed very spicy chili, and of course Peter Parker was fond of Aunt Mae's wheatcakes!

Charlie Horse 47 said...

Now that I am home from work and have 3 minutes to myself (LOL) I learn that Zombie Spiderman at both MJ and Aunt May. I shan't spend a minute more researching which zombie Spidey ate that caused him to puke though I seem to recall Jellow Jacket or Aunt May. Well, if it weren't for Gerry Conway he might have eaten Gwen Stacey too and that would have been beyond the pale!

Graham said...

Olives. Just can't tolerate 'em. I've tried and tried over. I used to could eat the black olives, but I can't even eat them now. Most anything else is fair game. :)

Redartz said...

Ward Hill Terry- you may have something there. Mmmmmm, garlic...

Anonymous said...

I never could stand gravy or potato salad, which makes me a weirdo where I'm from...

...and beets, and rhubarb... yeeechh...


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the information about calcium - I honestly thought that calcium was only available from dairy products so I've learned something new today. David b mentioned bloodwurst - in the UK we call that "black pudding" and it's made from pig's blood which sounds disgusting but actually it tastes delicious (in my opinion). But I draw the line at pig's trotters and testicles !!

The Prowler said...

Where I'm from, two regional and cultural dishes are menudo and chicken and dumplings.

Menudo(Mah-new-tho)is a soup made from tripe or cow's stomach. I have never, nor will I ever, eat it. You can get it made with chicken or pork. When it's pork, it's most likely make using the intestines, tendons and the feet. Chicken, it's the neck and feet. The stuff that is usually thrown away.

When I was growing up, my mother always made chicken and dumplings as a soup. It would be the chicken, egg noodles and biscuits, cut into quarters. It just never appealed to me. In college, I ate it but made differently. A can of Swanson chicken, egg noodles, carrots and the biscuits cooked as a casserole. It was thick, and salty and just really delicious!!!

Also, have never eaten lamb. I have no idea why....

(Every day when I get home from work
I feel so frustrated
The boss is a jerk
And I get my sticks and go out to the shed
And I pound on that drum like it was the boss's head

I don't want to work
I want to bang on the drum all day
I don't want to play
I just want to bang on the drum all day
I can bang that drum

I don't want to work
I want to bang on the drum all day
I don't want to play
I just want to bang on the drum all day

I don't want to work
I want to bang on the drum all day
Hey, you wanna take a bang at it?
I don't want to play
I just want to bang on the drum all day).

PS: No robots were nominated for an Oscar!!! #OscarsSoHuman

Humanbelly said...

HBGirl just about murdelized us with her deeply militant, evangelical veganism over the last year or so, before going off to college. I'll tell ya, though, she produced some astonishingly tasty baked goods during that time. Still, to have your dinner (usually one I myself took a lot of effort in preparing) sneeringly referred to as "dead carcass" several times over the course of a meal. . . well, it does tend to stretch one's patience. . .

I was a classic picky eater as a kid. The type that usually gets made fun of as a "type" in comic strips. (Think "Petey" from CUL DE SAC, if anyone was familiar with that one). You could've put a bazooka to my brow, and I would not have ingested a green bean or broccoli or brussels sprout or any green vegetable other than green peas (which I rather liked). I enjoy all of those now, although like Redartz, in recent years I have lost nearly my entire sense of smell and most of my sense of taste. To the point where I have drunk bad milk w/out realizing it, and eaten food that had begun to go off. A bit of a danger. And yet. . . .

This is a bit OT, but an odd phenomenon I can't figure out at all:

I really am almost unable to identify specific tastes anymore. I can get a bit of the basic sweet, salty, bitter, spicey, etc-- and that's about it. At best. But somehow my brain is getting the reaction to foods that I like or don't most of the time. And it goes beyond the realm of familiar textures and crunch and so on. It's as if the taste is skipping a couple of stops in my brain, and going right to the pleasure center, where it gets evaluated w/out ever being identified. It's. . . like being blind, and yet knowing what's in front of me by pointing my eyes at it. REALLY strange phenomenon. . .

So that being said-- I cannot get tofu to work for me. Disguised as chicken patties, it's great. But any other form of tofu/bean curd--- ugh. I try and try. . . and I fail.


Anonymous said...

Hmm OK I'm not down with bony fish, any type of offal like liver or brains, tripe, tongue, blood pudding or other exotic cuts, although these are delicacies to other people! Funnily enough, like Graham I can't stand black olives; I never order them on a pizza either. I've always wondered why carrots are not a popular option on pizzas down here - they are cheap and plentiful but somehow one never sees it as an ingredient on a pizza menu.

As for calcium, yes there are alternative food sources for calcium other than diary; you just have to look for them.

- Mike 'registered diet avoider' from Trinidad & Tobago.

Martinex1 said...

HB, what you describe is incredibly interesting. You are like the Matt Murdock of tasting. In all seriousness really fascinating.

My work is and has been in food production and development going on 30 years and I cannot imagine what that is like for you and Redartz.
Sensory perception and the complexity of the human nervous system is truly unfathomable.

Having said that - I love liver. Weird right? Order it any chance I get - and I like it even though I know it sometimes tastes like a converse gym shoe.

Anonymous said...

Prowler, that chicken and dumpling soup sounds pretty good right now, especially since I'm in a blizzard and it's cold as hell outside.
Mushrooms...mmmm. I must be part hobbit. Of course, they're best on a pizza, in an omelet, or better yet, on a plate of spaghetti and meatballs.


Redartz said...

HB- can't believe we have the 'no smell' thing in common! I don't have the taste disconnect you describe, but I too have imbibed bad milk. In college my apartment had gas stove, and friends would check on me as I couldn't detect a gas leak.

Marti- my sense of smell vanished when I was a lad. Presumably my taste did as well. I do taste things, but not mild flavors. And I taste things differently than another would, no doubt. It would be interesting to hear the thoughts of a food flavor expert such as yourself! And my eyesight is lousy. Great hearing, though...

Oh, and you can have the liver, I'll pass, thanks...

Unknown said...

I'm pretty sure I had a Marvel cook book in the mid-70s. Or did I just dream that??

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