Monday, October 8, 2018

Chew the Fat: Aquaman!

Martinex1: The Aquaman movie is due out around the holiday season.  And a lengthy trailer was recently released (check it out below).  What is your opinion of Aquaman - from his comics to the JLA to the Super Friends?  Do you think the DC movie universe will have a hit with this one?  Or do you think they may have missed the boat again?  Let's Chew the Blubber today as we discuss Aquaman all day!


Humanbelly said...

Never bought the book.
ALWAYS admired the covers-- in just about every incarnation.
What's his main villain's name? Stingray? Manta-Ray? WHERE is that guy's real head, exactly??

I think this is a very smart cinematic move, 'cause it more closely aligns with Marvel's successful model of cinematizing "secondary" (but still highly recognizable) superheroes. Ala Iron Man, Thor, Dr Strange, Black Panther, etc. That way the character pulls off the trick of being both familiar and fresh at the same time.

(Still thinkin' that Green Lantern was 'way better than EVERYONE made it out to be!)


Edo Bosnar said...

Although he was never one of my very favorites, I've always liked Aquaman well enough.

Based on the trailers, I think the movie might be pretty fun - hopefully it will be more like Wonder Woman, and not the other recent DC films I've bothered watching (most recently I saw Suicide Squad, and man, that's roughly 2 hours of my life I'll never get back...).

J.A. Morris said...

Not a fan of the character, other than the version that appeared on the 'Batman:The Brave and the Bold' animated series. Not sure if I'll bother to see the Jason Mamoa film or not.

Charlie Horse 47 said...

Yowza... based on the trailer I will likely see this!

As an aside, I've grown a bit indifferent to superhero movies. But this setting is quite different -the sea - which is a nice change. I am praying there is no swirling wheel of death sucking everything from earth into outer space which has become seemingly ubiquitous, lol.

Gee... if Aquaman is a winner then I must ponder why Marvel has not done a Subby flick?

Lastly - we talk about "secondary" or "B list" superheroes but I would contend all of Marvel's are B listers but Spidey? What differentiates between the two lists? I may just wake up at 6 AM Chicago time tomorrow and pose this profound question.

Dr. O said...

I have no problem with the re-imagining of the character, but the trailer itself managed to take what should be exciting and make it as boring and by-the-numbers as all get-out. It seems to suffer from the same problem of almost all superhero movies - all bombast - but that the DC movies seem particularly guilty of.

I didn't even watch the whole thing.

Mike Wilson said...

Momoa was pretty good in JLA, but I've never been a huge Aquaman fan. I keep meaning to read Peter David's run (since I generally like his writing), but I haven't gotten to it yet.

Anthony said...

The range of covers on display make me realise I'm not really familiar with Aquaman's history. The trailer looks ok, but I'm not sold on Mamoa, having watched him in other films.

Whether I will watch this depends on word of mouth. I'd given up on DC/Warner's films after Suicide Squad, but the positive reaction to Wonder Woman persuaded me to try again. I enjoyed it, but my overriding response was one of relief that it wasn't a duffer!

Anonymous said...

That was a pretty good trailer, and I have liked Mamoa since his Stargate days. I think it was a smart move to show mostly scenes above water...the biggest problem I have with Aquaman and Namor is when they are in their underwater cities. That always loses me right away. I want them interacting with the surface world, not some palace intrigue. I felt that was a big problem with Black Panther, too. Oh well. So far I am in the maybe group on seeing it in the theater, DC has burned me too many times....

Anonymous said...

Sorry to write this weeks after the initial post, just have some thoughts to get down somewhere.

Aquaman was my favourite of the SuperFriends, I can't say exactly why. I do think the fact he visually stood out from the rest of the group had something to do with it (no cape, non-primary colours, blonde hair...). He was one of my first mega-dolls, and I was glad to have 'im.

Yet I never read the comic books. Part of that is because I didn't buy much DC in general, and Aquaman was notably the one SuperFriend that didn't get a high-profile revamp in the 80s, post-Crisis.

Even though the 90s reinvention with the beard and the hook looked interesting, and I like Peter David, I never got around to picking that up either. I did get exposed to that Aquaman in Grant Morrison's JLA run, and I liked him there.

No strong opinion on the movie either way, but I'll probably see it eventually on TV, and I'm sure it'll be fun viewing with the kids.

-david p.

Hendry Roesly said...

Greeat blog you have

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