Redartz: Hi folks! We have a quick and easy one for you today. What fun goodies would you like to find under your Christmas tree this year? Santa's kind of busy and asked us to get some ideas. And if you happen to leave your browser open and your 'significant other' happens to see your responses, well, all the better, right?
As far as my list is concerned, it's pretty short. I could always use an I-Tunes card to load some fresh music. The third Essential Defenders volume would be welcome, as would most any of the Essential Spider-man tomes. Aaaand, maybe the second season of Batman- the Animated Series on dvd. And some Reese's Trees. That would be great.
Okay, I've printed out my list (under the guise of editing necessity) and left it for my wife to find. Now's your chance...
Assuming that Betty & Veronica in those outfits isn't an under-the-tree option, and no time travelers will be dropping off yet unreleased movies...
I've actually got a huge backlog of reads piled up, and vids as well. What i want Santa to bring would be a nice new lounging chair and side table/fridge in a quiet reading room to facilitate the enjoyment. With a fireplace, now that i think about.
Winter isn't coming - it's here.
Also - it'd be nice if the Enigma Force found Bill Mantlo. That would make a good Xmas.
What I'd like:
-a little more peace on Earth
-a lot more understanding
-less snark
-a winning Lotto ticket!
Hmmm, a gorilla would be nice ... not a toy, a real one!
Actually, I don't much care about gifts; books or comics are always appreciated, but I'd take cash too--that way I can buy whatever books or comics I like.
Peace on earth (and an original Kirby FF Page)! Hey, who says you can’t have it all!
Seriously though, I’d be happy to have some quiet time, cocoa, and a good book.
Well, what this family needs is a remodeled bathroom! Granted it’s not comic related per se, but then again, Archie Bunker didn't refer to it as “the reading room” for nothing! (T.M.I.???)
Failing that, Santa could bring Charlie a Concert Ukulele. Charlie’s fingers just don’t really spread enough for that Tenor Uke I got for Christmas a few years ago.
Some hair would be nice.
I always get myself one thing around Christmas while I'm buying for others.
This year it's the recently released THE DC UNIVERSE by JOHN BYRNE.
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