Redartz: Greetings, friends! Or should I say 'buddies'? Perhaps so, because today we are considering the best pals in comicdom. I've chosen three pairs, one from each of three companies (yes, I'm a bit obsessive/compulsive). But that leaves you all free to come up with other famous four-color friendships...
Representing Marvel: who else but Spider-Man and the Human Torch? Almost from his first appearance, Spidey had a love/hate relationship with Johnny Storm. And of course, Johnny was responsible for helping devise the Spider-Mobile. A friend, indeed...

From DC: Green Lantern and Green Arrow, aka the 'Hal and Ollie' show. Speaking of love/hate relationships, Hal and Ollie seem to bicker over the years perhaps more than they pal around. Personality conficts, I guess...
And from Archie: Obviously, Archie and Jughead! Definitely more in tune with each other than Hal Jordan and Oliver Queen, Archie Andrews and Forsyte Jones have personified friendship for many decades...

Those are the first that came to my mind. How many more can you come up with?
Johnny Storm & Ben Grimm
Reed Richards & Ben Grimm
Peter Parker & Harry Osborn
The Hulk & Rick Jones
Captain America & Bucky
The Warriors Three (or are only pairs allowed?)
Happy Easter to one and all :D
Beast and Wonder Man, from my favorite Avengers era!
Beast and Wonder Man were a true buddy act, and it's good to see them mentioned. But before Beast was his furry blue self, he was a special partner with Iceman in a single issue of X-Men, and I've always put the two together in my mind.
Hawkeye went on a tour of America with his buddy from the Old West, the Two-Gun Kid. Great stuff!
From the Golden Age you have Plastic Man and Woozy Winks -- a dandy pair of buds.
Also from the hand of Eisner we got The Spirit and Ebony, though times have made that duo a bit problematic.
From my beloved Charlton there was there was E-Man who had a defacto partner not only in his love Nova, but gumshoe Mike Mauser.
Rip Off
Matthew "Matt" Michael Murdock & Franklin "Foggy" Nelson.
Sad Sack and his two buds Slob Slobinski and Hi-Fi!
Tintin and Snowy (Tintin et Milou) and Captain Haddock
Asterix and Obelix and Dogmatix
Huey, Dewey, and Louie
Silver Surfer + Dawn Greenwood + Toomie (The Surfer's Board, now with consciousness) (Silver Surfer Volume 7+8, by Dan Slott and Mike Allred 2014-2017)
Do Val and Hulk count? I always liked their relationship.
Also, Cap and Falcon! Nick Fury and Dum Dum Dugan. Beast Boy and Cyborg. Casper and Spooky? Power Man and Iron Fist.
Second Matt and Foggy!!!
Also want to throw out Betty and Veronica.
Rick Jones and half the Marvel Universe.
Luke Cage and Danny Rand, Power Man & the Kun Lun Kid (never liked that nickname).
Some post Bronze buddies, just to give a shout out to the "new" kids, Francine and Katchoo from Strangers in Paradise, Milk And Cheese from Milk and Cheese of course, and Quantum and Woody from Quantum and Woody.
Returning to the Bronze Age, perhaps the greatest buddy pair, Ka-Zar and Zabu!!!
(Thank you for being a friend
Traveled down the road and back again
your heart is true you're a pal and a confidant
I'm not ashamed to say
I hope it always will stay this way
My hat is off, won't you stand up and take a bow
And if you threw a party
Invited everyone you knew
You would see, the biggest gift would be from me
and the card attached would say,
Thank you for being a friend
Thank you for being a friend
Thank you for being a friend
Thank you for being a friend
If it's a car you lack
I'd surely buy you a cadillac
Whatever you need, anytime of the day or night
I'm not ashamed to say
I hope it always will stay this way
My hat is off, won't you stand up and take a bow
And when we both get older
With walking canes and hair of gray
Have no fear, even though it's hard to hear
I will stand real close and say,
Thank you for being a friend
(I want to thank you)
Thank you for being a friend
(I want to thank you)
Thank you for being a friend
(I want to thank you)
Thank you for being a friend
(I want to thank you)
Let me tell you bout a friend
(I want to thank you)
Thank you for being a friend
(I want to thank you)
Thank you for being a friend
(I want to thank you)
Thank you for being a friend
And when we die and float away
Into the night, the Milky Way
You'll hear me call, as we ascend
I'll see you there, then once again
Thank you for being a friend
Thank you for being a friend
(I want to thank you)
Thank you for being a friend
(I want to thank you)
Thank you for being a friend
(I want to thank you)
Thank you for being a friend
Whoa, tell you about a friend
(Thank you right now, for being a friend)
Thank you for being a friend
(I wanna tell you right now, and tell you again)
Thank you for being a friend
(I wanna thank you, thank you, for being a friend)
Thank you for being a friend)
PS: Happy Easter and for those who don't celebrate Easter, Happy Holidays!!!
Aunt May and Doc Ock!
John Carter of Mars & Tars Tarkas
Mickey Mouse & Goofy
Cap & Iron Man (calling each other "Wing Head" and "Shell Head")
I always liked Patsy and Valkyrie's friendship in Defenders ... it felt real.
Green Lantern (Hal Jordan) and the Flash (Barry Allen) use to vacation together in the silver age. The Atom and Hackman shared a comic for awhile. Batman and Green Arrow hung out quite a bit in The Brave and The Bold. Elongated Man and The Flash were friends. And of course - Booster Gold and The Blue Beetle.
Beast and Wonder Man
Wolverine and Nightcrawler
Power Man and Iron Fist
Matt and Foggy
and for good measure, how about Black Tom and Juggernaut? Rare to see two villains partner up where they're not griping or ultimately stabbing one another in the back. But Tom and Juggernaut had an actual friendship, where they seemed to care about each other (I'm thinking of one specific X-Men where the fight ended because Juggernaut jumped into the sea to save Black'd never see Mr. Hyde do that for the Cobra (even before he wanted to kill him)).
-david p.
Beast and Wonder Man (though in my mind they have a "special" friendship with benefits)
Black Tom and Juggy are also a great friendship pair.
Kitty Pryde and Rachel Summers! (another special friendship - as one of my favorite t-shirts says, "It's not just a phase!" (get it!) - mine is in green.
Of course Luke and Danny! But what about Colleen Wing and Misty Knight?
Chim - thanks for leaving me a piece of "low hanging fruit," LOL from Tintin!
How about Monsieur DuPont and Monsieur DuPont from Tintin? Those two guys were tight!
Dennis The Menace (British version) and Gnasher.
Dang! I came late, started going through the comments, thinking to myself, "I bet no one will remember Misty and Colleen!" ...And then I got to Osvaldo's comment. Drat!
Besides those two, all of my other favorites, like Luke and Danny, and Beast and Wondy, have been mentioned.
I would add Gorgon and Karnak, since they had a bubby vibe going, Sherlock Holmes and John Watson (they've appeared in plenty of comics) and Kato and the Green Hornet.
Another interesting pairing was Power Man and Red Guardian (Tania Belinsky) in the pages of the Defenders during Gerber's run. They struck up a real interesting friendship.
Since David P. mentioned Black Tom & Juggernaut, a few other villainous buddies that came to mind are Mr. Hyde and Cobra, Sabretooth and Constrictor (in the former's initial appearances, before he became one of the main X-men adversaries) and, while they're more frenemies than buddies, Dr. Doom and Namor have been teaming up pretty much since the inception of the Marvel Universe as we know it. Heck, there was an entire series dedicated to that partnership...
Second Francine and Katchoo from SiP!!! Actually Moore revived the series as Strangers in Paradise XXV in 2018 for the 25th anniversary!
What about J. Jonah Jameson and Joseph "Robbie" Robertson? Are they "friends" or just colleagues?
What about Loki and the tree he was imprisoned in for centuries. He was then released from the tree in Thor #2 (whatever Journey into Mystery # that is)for his first fight with Thor.
I mean, if I was stuck in a tree for centuries and got to the point where I could have it release a leave to tickle someone's eye and make that person create a tear, I would call that friendship!
Conan and Red Sonja.
Well done, all! You really covered the range here. Many thanks, and a tip of the buddy cap each of you...
Way late to this party, but my favorites were always Powerman and Iron Fist. The original "buddy cop" superhero duo.
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