Monday, March 12, 2018

Chew the Fat: Poll Updates and Statistical Opinions!

Martinex1: On a regular basis, through our Twitter account @backinthebronze, we often run polls related to our favorite Bronze Age topics. Today let's take a look at some of the results and get your knowledgeable and educated opinions.  Do you agree, disagree, or have comments about any of these results?  

Let's get started with some tie breakers! Help us out by breaking the deadlock.

This next poll broke my heart.  For a Bronze Age fan, the result was unexpected and crushing.  I am getting old!

But here are some other comic polls that I found interesting and a little more heartening.  There were still some surprises in the final results and range of percentages.

I knew "It's Clobberin' Time," was going to have a great showing, but I have a fondness for "Okay, Axis...Here We Come!"  A nostalgic memory for me, and a quirky battle cry that seemed to fit the Invaders well...but alas I am in the minority on that one.

Cap of course is iconic, but I thought the above would have been more of a battle between Vision and Hawkeye.  Surely in the Bronze Age, they defined the Avengers' spirit.  Didn't they?

Martinex gets little respect.  He needs an adjective like the "The Pluvian Prismatic...Martinex!" to get some attention.
I never followed G.I. Joe in the comics, so that result caught me off guard. I've been such a fan of The Micronauts and ROM, that maybe I ought to give the long running Joe series a try.

On a different note, here are a few TV themed polls...

 And to finish this round of poll results, here are a couple forward-looking Marvel Cinema queries and responses...

So what do you think?  What results surprised you?  Did you vote with the majority or were you in the outlier crowd?  Do you have other questions that you'd like us to position for future input?  Share your thoughts, we'd like to hear specifically what your opinions are as the data only paints part of the picture.  Cheers!


Alan said...

No ones hopped in yet, so I'll see if I can get the ball rolling.

1) The sub Mariner definitely seems under appreciated. Besides seeing him pop up in FF I never followed him.

2) Superheroes might overpower a Civil War story unless they were low power and really discreet. Vietnam/Watergate sounds kind of depressing. Revolutionary Period? Kind of fun. Heroes in powdered wigs? I wonder if WW I being so popular is due to the Wonder Woman Movie.

3) Only read Contest of Champions, which was fun but underwhelming.

4) Would not have thought of Deadpool for this category. Showing my age! Would go for Black Knight just because I liked his costume.

5) None of the team up options really grab my excitement.

6) No surprise on Clobberin Time.

7) Captain America no Surprise. Iron Man I think of on his more than as an Avenger. Vision in my mind seems inseparable from the Avengers.

8/9) I am not familiar enough with Spiderman's second tier or the origiannl Guardians to have a preference.

10) Ross would get my nod if only because he was around from the beginning of the Hulk.

11) Micronauts! I loved the early part of the run.

12) Didn't see any of those cartoons.

13) Only saw a few episodes of Lost In Space. Are any of the others worth seeking out?

14) Joanie Loves Chachi. Ouch! Never heard of the other two before now.

15) Poker Game

16) Kandor. With Superman's huge face peering into the bottle.

The Gauntlet is Thrown


Edo Bosnar said...

1) Sub-mariner I guess, just because I've read about the first dozen or so issues when they were reprinted in the late '70s. Aside from the Steranko issues of Nick Fury and the Dr. Strange stories by Ditko in Strange Tales, I'm less familiar with the rest.
2) Maybe the Civil War era, if it involved Power Man and Iron Fist as the time-traveling heroes.
3) Don't really like any of these events; the least obnoxious of them was Contest of Champions, which was entertaining for what it was.
4) Valkyrie, of course.
5) Beast and Tigra, I guess (although personally, I think Tigra and Nightcrawler would be a good team-up for some reason; also, Tigra and She-Hulk as buddies).
6) It's clobberin' time is hard to beat, but I also have a fondness for Imperious Rex.
7) Vision
8) Prowler - Hobie Brown, albeit not as a villain, but rather as an occasional supporting character for Spidey; I wish he had been used more in this capacity in the '70s and '80s.
9) Kind of like them all about equally, but honestly I think Martinex is the most interesting of the lot.
10) Gyrich
11) Micronauts (although I also like Rom quite a bit)
12) Speed Buggy, just because that's the only one I have clear memories of watching. I only vaguely recall Jabberjaw and I've never watched the other two.
13) Time Tunnel
14) Joanie Loves Chachi, definitely (didn't even know that the other two were considered Happy Days spin-offs)
15) Spidey and Torch team-up - I'm actually not too keen on the X-universe getting folded into the MCU.
16) Attilan (Aren't we going to see DC's Atlantis in the upcoming Aquaman movie anyway? And Doom's Latveria - heck, that's like every generic Central or East European country portrayed in cinema and television for decades.)

Mike Wilson said...

Okay, going in order:

1) Doc Strange
2) Either WW I or Vietnam (which I'm too young to remember)
3) Acts of Vengeance--it was cool seeing heroes fight different villains for a change
4) I probably would've said Conan, but of those four, I'd go with Valkyrie
5) Either Beast/Tigra or Kitty/Vision
6) Clobberin time
7) Cap, definitely
8) Molten Man or Prowler; I liked when both of them reformed and became Spidey's allies, though in Molty's case it didn't last
9) Yondu
10) Ross, Gyrich, and Kelly were all terrible people, so I find it hard to like any of them; I can't think of anyone else off-hand
11) G.I. Joe definitely
12) Never saw any of them
13) The only one I remember is Land of the Giants, and it wasn't great
14) Never watched any of them
15) I always did like Beast in Avengers, but a Ben Grimm poker party would be cool too
16) I'd probably vote for the Savage Land, but either Atlantis or Latveria would be interesting, if done right

Just a word on the G.I. Joe comic; most of the issues were written by Larry Hama and he did an amazing job of giving everyone a little bit of backstory ... not easy when you have dozens of cast members. Plus, every time Hasbro brought out new action figures/vehicles, Hama had to work them into the comic. Naturally, some characters ended up being standouts--Snake Eyes, Scarlett, Storm Shadow, Destro, Baroness, Zartan, Flint, Lady Jaye.

I especially liked how Hama gave some characters connections that started long before the events of the comic (Snake Eyes, Storm Shadow, Firefly, and Zartan; Lady Jaye and Destro; Snake Eyes and COBRA Commander) If I have one complaint, it's how things turned into "all Snake Eyes all the time" in later issues, but other than that it was a really good comic.

Redartz said...

Well, let's see...
1. Dr. Strange. Long a favorite of mine,and often overlooked. Usually fine stories and art.
2. The Revolutionary era. There was a Superman story that took place then, in one of those "Elseworlds" tales; by Byrne if I recall.
3. Honestly, I only read Secret Wars, and missed the others.
4. Valkyrie, emphatically.
5. Kitty Pryde and Vision.
6. Gotta go with Bashful Benjy and "Clobberin' Time"
7. Cap, although Iron Man and Vision are close.
8. Molten Man (although I'd go with the Jackal, if he's considered a second stringer)
9. Yondu
10. Henry Peter ("I'm the government")Gyrich
11. Micronauts, definitely
12. Funky Phantom (it was just weird)
13. Lost in Space ("Danger, Will Robinson!")
14. Honestly never saw any of them, no regrets there.
15. Furry Beast!
16. Latveria...

Martinex1 said...

Thanks for your input gents. It is interesting to hear all of the perspectives and where we agree and don’t agree. Thanks for getting us started today Alan - much appreciated!

And don’t feel you have to answer each and every question. Share your opinions whether large or small.


Killraven said...

1. Dr. Strange- Ditko!
2. 1776-1800- Fun stories to be had.
3. Wasn't collecting then
4. Valkrie
5. Agreed- Tigra/ Beast
6. You're not alone- "Okay Axis ,Here We Come!, Invaders fan thru and thru.
7. Vision- The corner box is part of it, but really when I see him I think Avengers.
8. The Prowler- My first Spidey villain.
9. Yondu- Man did he look cool the first time I saw him.
10. Gyrich- He sure got under those guys skin, and mine too.
11. Micronauts
12. Agreed- Speed Buggy
13. Agreed- Lost In Space first season and a half. Before it became the Dr. Smith
14. All were equally horrible.- Tie
15. Spider-Man/Human Torch Team up.
16. Got to be the Savage Land

William said...

For the Tie Breakers here's my picks:

1. Sub-Mariner
2. WWI
3. Contest of Champions

Edo Bosnar said...

Actually, I have to change my answer to the first question, in part because I misunderstood it a bit, to Dr. Strange.

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